Saturday, December 1, 2012

Final project mission statement

Firebird is a manufacture for the top baseball and softball equipment along with a brand new clothing line. We specialize in giving the best/ finest products to help you play to your full potential in any game like atmosphere. We provide the equipment for aspering athletes to devolpe their skills and knowlege for the game. Our goal is to maximize the players ability and proformance for the game.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

homework #3

many logos we see every day we can tell just by the colors or even many commericals now a days. logos have changed so much throughout the years to make them more pleasing and suitable for the generation now. many people have changed logos just for fun and some may come up with a design that could loog good as a gloably world know design. but many try to make ones that are with the fads now adays.

Monday, November 5, 2012

homework #2

a russian designer Tarasolve had changed some logos from there original design to comic sans. while most logos  an font loooks unprofessional with comic sans this was just for fun. but two other deisgners had done a 10 month project but changing logos to comic sans also. Even though many logos arnt well thought out suchs as the london olmpics being hard to read at  times and the brazil world cup logo and its explination comic sans seem ok, even though its not.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

homework #1

Yes I believe that the road signs can be in poor taste of design because some may miss a mistake and when the drivers see them they can misinturperate where they may go or even misunderstand what they mean because people tend to associate the colors only and not read what they mean. So I believe that signs have to be right and designed pleasingly to the eye and easy to read. And it is not just road signs it is any kind os designs like furniture, cars, clothes ect. all of these thigs surround us every day an since they are around us every day we tend notto see the sedign of them becuase we are perouppied with other things in our lifes that we couls not see the real meaning of them rather then assuming what it is. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

animal hybrid


1). My computer experience has been two years of Graphic Design and having photoshop my Pc. I have also worked with Macs.

2). I have worked with both programs before.

3). I took this class because this is my major

4). My favorite artists are Vincent Van Gogh,  Michael Angleo

5). I like the way apple designs their products.

6). I am a twin. I love drawing, working on photoshop

7). I have access to a computer with photoshop on it.

8). art is art, words are words, sometimes its absurd.
     have you herd? the words. art is all around us.
     people tend to fuss over how it should look, sound, smell.
     how can we tell what should be right and what should be wrong.
     it wont be long until all of the sounds will silenced and art will be fine again without judgement.